Our Programs


What We Do

Our Certificate Program in Econometrics, Economic Theory, and Mathematical Economics at BAUM Tenpers is a not-for-profit preparatory program designed for students planning to pursue an economics or related PhD and need a rigorous exposure to graduate-level work.

The program grew out of the need to support the academic potential of bright students who cannot afford to enroll in similar graduate programs at traditional universities due to limited resources.

The certificate program provides students with exposure to graduate level economics courses and relevant mathematical foundations. Completion of the program ensures that students acquire the skills to undertake doctoral work in economics and to read and understand research papers that have considerable mathematical content.

The courses and projects are administered by members of our research group who have considerable teaching experience and have published research in major economics, finance, and mathematics journals, including Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Annals of Mathematical Sciences, Annals of Applied Probability, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Journal of Applied Econometrics, among others.

Capacity Building


Capacity building is at the heart of what we do. To achieve this, we identify talented students through a rigorous selection process. We then match them to our affiliated researchers for a period of mentorship that lasts for 6 to 24 months.

Students work as predoctoral researchers during this period, which positions them to learn and improve their research skills.

They also participate in our certificate training program to prepare them for graduate school. Our capacity development program has enjoyed great success in recent years, and we owe this to our candidate selection process, quality of research mentorship, and dedication of our volunteers and staff members.

We also provide curriculum design and supervision of dissertations at all levels in economics, finance, machine learning and artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, and statistics

Program in Mathematics


Preparatory Certificate

We offer a standalone preparatory program in mathematics for students who lack adequate exposure to the upper-level mathematics tools used in graduate-level economics. We also cater to the demands of sufficiently mathematical students who hope to embark on graduate studies in economics but have no previous exposure to upper-level economics and finance courses. We have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of both sets of students whilst ensuring that each student gets the most from our training program.