Our first-of-its kind program owes its reputation and global acceptance to the outstanding contributions of our volunteer faculty who are dedicated teachers and researchers passionate about advancing research at the intersection of economics, finance, and applied mathematics, as well as mentoring and engaging the young and bright top-tier students whom we welcome to the program every year.

Our faculty are active in research and publish their findings in academic and professional journals. Below, you will find a few of their recent publications. Our program has strengths in theory, applied theory, and empirical work, in such fields as microeconomics, econometrics and statistics, finance and financial engineering, macroeconomics, operations research, machine learning, and allied fields.

Recent research and publications

Publication TitleJournal
The probability to reach an agreement as a foundation for axiomatic bargainingEconometrica
God insures those who pay formal insurance and religious offering in GhanaQuarterly Journal of Economics
Robust Measures of Earnings SurprisesJournal of Finance
Markov Switching Panel with Endogenous Synchronization EffectsJournal of Econometrics
Bayesian Graphical Models for Structural Vector Autoregressive ProcessesJournal of Applied Econometrics
Modeling Risk Contagion in the Italian Zonal Electricity MarketEuropean Journal of Operational Research
Dynamically Consistent Objective and Subjective RationalityEconomic Theory
Exchange Rate Shocks and the Dynamics of International Asset-Backed SecuritiesJournal of Structured Finance
Efficient Gibbs sampling for Markov switching GARCH modelsComputational Statistics and Data Analysis
Default Count-based Network Models for Credit ContagionJournal of the Operational Research Society
Affine processes under parameter uncertaintyProbability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk
Interest premium and external position: A state-dependent approachJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Choquet expected discounted utilityEconomic Theory
A topological approach to delay aversionJournal of Mathematical Economics
Vickrey Meets Alonso: Commute Scheduling and Congestion in a Monocentric CityJournal of Urban Economics
Entrepreneurship: structural transformation, skills, and constraintsSmall Business Economics
Economic Uncertainty Before and During the COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Public Economics
Insider Trading, Stock Return Volatility, and Option Market’s Pricing of the Information Content of Insider TradingJournal of Banking and Finance
Stock returns on option expiration dates: Price impact of liquidity tradingJournal of Empirical Finance
Measuring Time and Risk Preferences in an Integrated FrameworkGames and Economic Behaviour