Apply Now: To join our esteemed program, click here. You will need your unofficial transcript, CV, letter of motivation, and a writing sample from past research. In your 400-word motivation letter, explain your interest in research, views on generosity, why we should accept you, and how you learned about us.

The Best Academy for Unbounded Minds and Tenacious Persons (BAUM TenPers or BT) Institute is a research and training program dedicated to the academic advancement of students through rigorous training and research mentorship. Our volunteer mentors, who are university faculty and professionals from leading financial institutions, central banks, and multilateral organizations across the US, Europe, and Africa, are passionate about nurturing the next generation of scholars.

To date, we have supported over 100 students at no cost, helping them pursue undergraduate and graduate studies at leading institutions worldwide. Driven by our continued belief that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela), we are excited to announce the opening of applications for our BAUM Brains Research Scholar Program.

Program Highlights:

  • Advanced Courses: Students take college-level courses designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for research.
  • Research Projects: Collaborate with experienced researchers to complete projects published in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Mentorship: Guidance from university professors, industry experts, and former students who have excelled in their fields.
  • Fields of Expertise: Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Economics, Finance, and quantitative Business and Social Sciences.

Admission Process:

  1. Application: Submit your application online with a $20 nonrefundable application fee to cover logistical costs.
  2. Selection Test: Take a challenging online selection test accessible worldwide.
  3. Scholarship Offers:
    • Full Ride: Achieve a score of 80% or higher.
    • Partial Scholarship: Scores between 50%-79% may join with a $2,500 fee.
    • Interviews: Scores between 30%-49% may also be considered after an interview.
  • No offer: Scores below 30% will not be considered.

Selection Test

The selection test is going to be challenging because we are trying to attract strong students. The questions would be at least as difficult as what you have here – Our current and past research students are champions in mathematics, physics, and economics Olympiads, and we are not ready to significantly lower those standards by bringing in the wrong students.

 About Research Publication

All accepted students will have an equal chance to publish in peer-reviewed journals if they produce good work since they will all work with experienced researchers who publish actively in peer-reviewed journals. There is no separate requirement for publication, and every student who does good work automatically qualifies to have their work sent to academic journals for peer review. All students admitted to our program will have full access to research mentors who are university professors and industry experts and be guided to produce good research papers. The training courses are taught by a combination of university professors, industry experts, and graduate students who themselves are former students of our research program.

Support for Low-Income Students: Scholarships are available for students from very low-income households (below the national average income). A minimum score of 65% is required to qualify.

If you are a student in high school or college, we strongly encourage you to apply. Don’t be deceived by the low financial commitment of $2,500 (for those who don’t score high enough in our assessment to earn a full ride). The program is subsidized, thanks to contributions from our senior research fellows. We are a not-for-profit and not interested in burdening students financially.

For more information, please contact us at and copy